Local Flight

For an easy flight sharing, a partnership with Drivy !

More easy flight sharing ...

To meet the needs of flight sharing users, Coavmi team is pleased to announce its partnership with Drivy!

What is Drivy ?

Drivy is a car rental service between individual leader in France, Germany and Spain, 100% insured.

You can rent a car to an individual with the ability to retrieve and return the vehicle at the airfield/airport ... all at low prices!

With more than 60,000 cars available, you can be sure to find one that meet your criteria (Size, rental period, price ...).

What makes the partnership ?

If are a pilot: Once you have published your flight sharing post, you will be able to easily rent a car at your point of arrival.

You are passenger: when you book a seat(s) for a flight sharing, you will be able to easily rent a car at your point of arrival.

This partenrship will allow you a door to door flight sharing !

For more details about Drivy click here.

Havea great flight!

Coavmi Team

PS: This is only the beginning ;)


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